13 de agosto de 2002

Olha só o que eu acabei de receber (valeu Márcia!):

"Italy is braced for a mass return of economic migrants as thousands of South Americans of Italian origin have applied for passports in recent months. Millions more could be entitled to do so, the foreign ministry undersecretary Mario Baccini has warned.

He cited the recession as an explanation of why the region was causing concern in a report to the prime minister, Silvio Berlusconi.

In Brazil, 25 million people can trace roots back to Italy and 150,000 are currently applying for Italian passports.

A massive influx of economic refugees could severely stretch Italy's public finances, as returning immigrants are entitled to the same social security provisions as other citizens.

One way of stemming the tide is to erect bureaucratic hurdles, ...according to a report in the Rome daily La Repubblica.

"At the [Buenos Aires] consulate they accept 80 personal files a week, 3,000 a year. Someone turning up today will have a first appointment in three years time, in 2005," it reported. There are ways of speeding up the process, however. "Getting an Italian passport, even if you are not entitled to it, can cost up to $15,000 (£11,800)," La Repubblica said."

Leia a palhaçada toda aqui no The Guardian.

Assim que eu conseguir me acalmar eu traduzo e coloco aqui também.

soundtrack: ...And You Will Know Us By The Trail Of Dead

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