27 de julho de 2011

Books along the way

Now I'm in a small and rough room of a tenement on the back of a poor restaurant, some blocks away the bus station, which is located in the outskirts of the extremely hot and strange city of Porto Velho, in the Brazilian Amazonia. 

Tomorrow I'll catch a plane to Manaus, my last destination before coming back to São Paulo in order to settle for a while...

On this series of travels through Europe, North and South America, from the end of November 2010 to the beginning of August 2011, mostly after I definitely quit my job in Brighton in January 2011, I have been reading books while traveling, as usual, for I love reading...

Since I was changing my life, when I started these travels, leaving behind a failed marriage/family, I decided to sell out everything I could, and to give away what I couldn't sell...
I forgot to advertise my books, so I decided to bring some of them with me...

When I finished reading one of them, I just gave it away to someone along the way, a host, a friend or anyone I had just met and thought deserved the book!

Here goes the list with the books and where I left them behind!
I hope their new owners enjoy them as much or more than I did!

Glasgow (Feb/2011)
Our Band Could Be Your Life - Michael Azerrad
The Yage Letters - Allen Ginsberg and William Burroughs
City - Alessandro Baricco

Brighton (February)
Uptight: The Velvet Underground Story - Victor Bockris and Gerard Malanga
And the Hippos were Boiled in Their Tanks - Jack Kerouac and William S. Burroughs
Pé na Estrada - Jack Kerouac
Renegade: The lives and tales of Mark E. Smith
Desobediência Civil - Henry David Thoreau

New Jersey (March)
Martin Eden - Jack London
I took with me Gilson's Siddartha - Hermann Hesse

Philadelphia (April)
Taccuini di un Vecchio Sporcaccione - Charles Bukowski

Athens (April)
The Fall - Albert Camus

New Orleans (April)
Siddartha - Hermann Hesse

Austin (April)
The Wall - Jean-Paul Sartre

Ciudad de Mexico (April)
Down the Highway: The Life of Bob Dylan - Howard Sounes

Merida (April)
La Confraternita dell'Uva - John Fante

Monterrey (April)
The Road - Jack London

San Diego (April)
A Idade da Razão - JP Sartre
I took with me two books by Henry Rollins from the trash can of Raul's punk neighbor.

Memphis (April)
Le Belle Immagini - Simone de Beauvoir

Toronto (April)
The First Four - Henry Rollins

New York (April)
Walking - HD Thoreau

Bogota (May)
The Outsider - A. Camus

Sao Paulo (May)
As Cidades Invisiveis - Italo Calvino
I bought A Sul de Lugar Algum - C. Bukowski in a newsstand.

Curitiba (May)
I bought at the bakery near Neri's:
Viajante Solitário - Jack Kerouac
1933 Foi um Ano Ruim - John Fante Verdes
Vales do Fim do Mundo - Antonio Bivar Tristessa - J. Kerouac

Blumenau (May)
A Sul de Lugar Algum - C. Bukowski

Porto Alegre (May)
Numa Noite de Inverno um Viajante - Italo Calvino

Montevideo (May)
As Cidades Invisíveis - I. Calvino

Buenos Aires (June)
The Critique of Pure Reason - I. Kant

Santiago (June)
Nossa Senhora das Flores - Jean Genet

Ciudad Del Leste (June)
Razor's Edge - WS Maugham

Cusco (July)
Viajante Solitário - Jack Kerouac

Brasileia (July)
1933 Foi um Ano Ruim - John Fante

Manaus (August)
Tristessa - J Kerouac
Verdes Vales do Fim do Mundo - Antonio Bivar